Empowerment & Partnership

An Ecosystem of Cooperation & Interdependence

The Challenge

Opportunities for creating a sustainable world are unlimited in the 21st century. It is important to realize this, and employ the new and emerging technologies and communication facilities to make the journey towards sustainable development. In this respect, it is important that Africa as a continent realizes its role and potential in the 21st Century, and in the creation of a sustainable world at present and in the future.

We understand the government’s key role is to enable an economic environment for the private sector to create jobs, promote their intellectual property, and share knowledge. Empowering the majority of the African population, women and youth, is one of the necessary steps towards achieving value in Africa’s human resource. Promoting a culture of partnership between the public and private sectors creates a powerful synergy towards a common goal, great economic fulfillment.

Our objective is to provide a platform for capacity building to support African private sector’s aspirations

We also establish entrepreneurship that go beyond just profits but also embrace as equally important the social cohesion these enterprises will bring to the community. In addition we continue to promote innovation, empowerment and partnership through programs and forums. This will include initiating opportunities for governments, public and private sectors and civil society in Africa to interact for realizing innovation and job creation.

The Imperative call for Change

Africa is one of the most vulnerable continents for the increasing threats to basic needs. Public policies that once provided security of basic human needs no longer suffice.

In fragile states young people, with their energy and skills, can be a force for economic growth and capacity building. If marginalised, however, they may trigger activities that threaten sustainable development goals. It is estimated that in the next ten years, 500 million youth will be seeking employment in Sub-Saharan Africa alone.

By 2035 Africa will have more working-class people read able than either India or China

We must take steps to enable our society so that one’s own place within it, is respected and recognised on the terms on which the person or group wants to live, not on terms dictated by others.

The need to improve the current development path in the African region is paramount. The region must embrace and invest in empowering its human capital for a different form of development if it is to swiftly realize sustainability and enhance social well-being.


The African Informal Economy at The Intersection of Growth and Trade

The informal economy requires attention in Africa. Governance and regulations need to improve, and the new CFTA can support efforts to formalize activities.


The Roadmap for Sustainable & Resilient Societies: AFRSD 2018

The African Forum for Regional Sustainable Development (AFRSD) convened in Dakar, Senegal on May 3-4, 2018, under the theme “transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies.